
Saturday, January 22, 2011

It Started With a Kiss week 2: First Drafts

All this year, I'm keeping a video diary of everything that goes into writing my third novel, It Started With a Kiss, due to be published in November. This week, it's all about the FIRST DRAFT of the novel...

I'll show you my synopsis, notes (in a multitude of notebooks), plans and character profiles and talk about the process of writing a first draft. There's also another funky hat and a close-up shot of my engagement ring (as requested by Vanessa and Julia from my facebook page!)

Thanks so much for your questions and comments from last week - this week I've answered a question about planning from fab Leah of and a question from lovely Kath at The Nut Press about whether I let anyone else see the draft while I'm writing it.

If you have a question you'd like me to answer next week, write it in the comments box below, or email me at:

Oh and no, I've no idea why YouTube has chosen a freeze frame that looks like I'm crying. I'm not, honestly...



  1. Beautiful ring! I look forward to hearing you read parts of your first draft.

  2. I *love* this video diary! Thank you for posting it, it's so interesting.

    I would like to ask (for the next installment), do you ever get stuck on a scene? What do you do ... do you persevere with it, write something else or take the dog for a walk? If I squeeze my brain too hard, I worry that drivel will come out - but similarly, it's important to push myself. It's that fine balance between pushing and squeezing. How do you do it?

  3. Oh, that's brilliant - really interesting, always, to hear how other writers go about the process.

    I'm a bit like you with the many notebooks. Why, oh why, is it not possible to just work in one?? Maybe they just don't make 'em big enough... or maybe someone needs to invent one which follows a person around the house and is therefore always present when needed.

    Hats? Yep. I'd love to see you wearing a giant yellow flower hat. Do you have one handy, perchance??

    Good/God (depending on your affiliations) speed with the writing - deadlines are beautiful motivators.

    S x

  4. Woo, I got a shout out in the video! That made me inexplicably happy! :D

    Another fab video, and I was just going to ask if we could see the engagement ring, which is beautiful! Also, love the hat!

    This week's question is this: In the two books you've written so far, have you ever disagreed with anything your editor (or whomever read the first or second draft) suggested you change or explain more? Obviously, an editor is there to help suggest changes to make the book better, but do you get to say no if you disagree or see it a different way?

    Finally, hi Bob!! Can we see him next week? Maybe get a wave?

  5. Congratulations on your engagement, and thanks for sharing your beautiful ring with us.

    I smiled at your stack of notepads, and then looked at mine. We have something in common.

    Can I ask, how did you become published without an agent?

    I would like to see you wear a hat your main character would choose. Would it be one you would wear or not to your taste at all, I wonder?
    Glynis Smy (author)

  6. This is brilliant. I can't believe I missed your first video, so thanks to Kath for Tweeting the link.

    I loved Fairytale of New York and this has reminded me that I haven't read your second book *note to do so as soon as I've posted this comment*

    I was wondering if you have a certain amount of scenes you like to have in each chapter? Or is each chapter different and depend on the story?

    Congratulations on your engagement.

  7. Great to hear from Bob this week - hello Bob! - and thanks so much for the mention and for answering my question. Yay! for Kim (aka @theborderlord) and her very important role as your reader.

    I'm glad I'm not alone in having multiple notebooks, either!

    My question this week stems from you having submitted a synopsis months before starting to write the novel. Have you ever had a character or the story veer off completely in a different direction to the one outlined in your synopsis? How did you pull that back or have you gone with the new direction instead?

  8. SQUUUEEE! I got a shout out. :) I am so chuffed. And you're right - I am super excited to be reading it. And I can tell everyone... IT's GOOOOD!

    Fans of Miranda's books are going to love this. I've already laughed, sighed and gone a little bit gooey over your love interests (yes, more than one!)

    I can't say too much without spoiling the treats in store. But I can't wait to read more.

    So forget sleep, Miranda. Get too it.

    And for your next video I want to see you in a medieval hat like the one Romily wears at the wedding!

    Thank you so much, hun. Keep on the amazing work!

  9. SQUUUEEE! I got a shout out. :) I am so chuffed. And you're right - I am super excited to be reading it. And I can tell everyone... IT's GOOOOD!

    Fans of Miranda's books are going to love this. I've already laughed, sighed and gone a little bit gooey over your love interests (yes, more than one!)

    I can't say too much without spoiling the treats in store. But I can't wait to read more.

    So forget sleep, Miranda. Get too it.

    And for your next video I want to see you in a medieval hat like the one Romily wears at the wedding!

    Thank you so much, hun. Keep on the amazing work!

  10. I am in love with your blog and your new video diary. I am an aspiring writer who is just looking for someone who has been there and done it kind of thing. The publishing world is a very scary place and I love that you are reaching out to your readers and fans (which I am both!).

    I hope that you continue to find time to squeeze in the video diary as well as the regular blog entries.

    Love the engagement ring by the way! It's gorgeous! :)

  11. I'm not an author, but a really big fan and general bookworm! I love your video blogs and find it really interesting learning how a book is made from start to finish! As a mere reader (and I'm sure I'm not on my own here!), I didn't understand how long it actually took to write a book, but can now see why my favourite authors only bring one book out a year (which I really look forward to!)! Looking forward to the next installment and keep up the good work!
    Annette x
