
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

It Started With a Kiss week 3: Questions and an exclusive extract

All this year, I'm keeping a video diary of everything that goes into writing my third novel, It Started With a Kiss, due to be published in November. This week, I'm answering your questions and reading a world exclusive extract...

HUGE apologies for the delay in posting this - I've been writing like a crazy nutter for the past week (and I'm still going!)

This week, I answer your questions on conquering writer's block, disagreeing with my editor (including what I would have changed about my first novel, Fairytale of New York), how I was discovered on, how many scenes I use to make a chapter and how the finished story differs from the initial synopsis.

I also have a WORLD EXCLUSIVE especially for you - the very first reading of an extract from It Started With a Kiss! Hope you like it!

Oh yes, and a brand new(-ish) funky hat to boot!

Now do I know how to pack in the goodies or what?!


p.s. Please note YouTube's choice of opening frame - I like to call it my Tommy Cooper homage!


  1. I'm starting to feel rather famous with all of these shout outs! Haha.

    I'm thoroughly enjoying your vlogs, Miranda, and it's nice to get a peek into the life of an author because it so rarely happens!

    The extract was brilliant and I can't wait to read it in the book and say "OH! Miranda read that to us!".

    Thank you so much for answering my question, you answered it perfectly!

    Here is this week's question: Fairytale of New York was told in first person, whereas Welcome To My World was told in third person. From your extract of It Started With A Kiss it seems as if it's another first person novel. Is there a tense you prefer to write in or does it just depend on the story you're looking to tell?

    See you next week! xxx

  2. Love these videos! Can't wait to read your new book! Could I ask what type of books you enjoy reading?

  3. Cool videos, Miranda! And super funky hat!

  4. LOve that hat- fab blog!

  5. Really loving these v-logs - it's really exciting to see a book unfold. I am so looking forward to getting to peek into the process! x

  6. Thanks for answering my question!
    Loved the excerpt reading.

  7. Thank you so much for answering my question and for the brilliant excerpt.

    I'm loving your vlogs, they're so full of interesting information.

  8. Thanks for answering my synopsis question, that was really useful - and I love the Nancy Blackett hat. Want one!
