
Monday, January 10, 2011

A year in the life...

Happy New Year!!

Hope 2011 is going good for you so far? Sorry my New Year felicitations are a bit late, but I'm currently in the midst of writing frenzy, trying to get the first draft of my third novel, It Started With a Kiss, complete for the end of January. But lots of exciting things have happened - my lovely Bob proposed (and I accepted) - more on that next time. Welcome to My World is doing really well, selling over 46,000 copies to date, despite the coldest winter on record and huge problems with snow, so I'm chuffed to bits with that. Most importantly, I've received some amazingly fab letters from people who have loved the book - this is the biggest thrill for me and it really helps when I'm writing to know that people are looking forward to the new book!

So, here's my latest project for 2011: my very own video diary!

I've set myself the challenge this year to post a video blog every week for 52 weeks, to show a year in the life of a book. The video diary will follow the progress of It Started With a Kiss, from first draft, through editing stages, proofing, cover design, publicity, launch and beyond... I'm holding nothing back, so the good and not-so-good bits of taking a story from an initial idea to published novel will all be there for you to see.

I'll post the videos here at Coffee and Roses each week - and I want to know what you'd like to see in them. So if you have any questions you'd like me to answer in the video blogs, just leave me a comment or email me at:

Without further ado, ladies and gentlemen, it is my honour to present, my very first video blog... Enjoy!

(oh, and apologies for the incredibly scary freeze-frame that YouTube have chosen...)


  1. Love it Miranda! Look forward to the next instalment :) Particularly hoping you will choose to show us the effects of the writing induced abandoned housework - would make me feel much better as the piles of 'stuff to sort' are creeping in from the edges of my study and encroaching upon my chair...

  2. Fantastic idea! It's really lovely to have that personal touch, and I'm definitely interested in seeing what the year holds for you and your novel. I've just booked a spot at a "pitch an agent" event at Crimefest (mostly as a deadline to work to!), so potentially this could be the year of the first novel for me, and I reckon your blog will be a great motivator.

  3. Thanks Jackie - but are you really sure you're ready for the full horror of my 'during writing' house? I tell you now, it ain't pretty...

    Thanks, Rin - wow, looks like an exciting year for you, then! Keeping everything crossed for you - let me know if there's anything particular you'd like me to cover if it can help in any way.

    M xx

  4. Hi Miranda, I really love your books and blog so I will be delighted to follow your videos. It is such a fantastic idea and it will be so nice when I purchase the book in november if I have been following your progress all year.
    PS I love the hat!

  5. Really glad you liked it - and the hat, too!

    I'm so excited about sharing all the stages of my book with you. It's something that normally only I get to see and it be quite hard to explain to people what is involved. This way, everyone gets to see what happens and I don't feel like a hermit for six months of the year!

    Thanks as well for your fab review of Welcome to My World!


  6. Love it! and I love your blog it is just great!:D

    Happy New Year!

  7. Brilliant idea Miranda, I'm fascinated about how much effort and time has to go in writing a book and can't wait to follow this with you.

    I do have a question for you: Do all writers plan their book out before writing it, or is it possible to wing it and write the book without all the mood boards and character pages?

    BTW, would it be possible for us to cross post the videos on the site ( at the beginning of each month, rounding them up and explaining what it is you're discussing?

  8. Thanks, vanilladreams! x

    Absolutely, Leah, you're more than welcome - give me a shout if you need the embed codes or YouTube links :o) Would love to feature my vlogs! I'll cross-reference your round-ups in my Twitter and Facebook feeds, too :o) xx

  9. Love the hat! Love the video diary idea! Love hearing a British accent for a change! Love your enthusiasm!

    Look forward to more and to see how you edit your work.

    Glynis Smy

  10. Fab idea! I'm really looking forward to following you and It Started With a Kiss throughout the year.

    I'm looking forward to hearing more about the first draft: how much did you plan it out beforehand or did you just start writing it? Did you have to get the go ahead from your editor/publisher beforehand? Did you write it during NaNo? Do you have anyone else read it while you're writing the first draft or is it for your eyes only?

    Oh, and I think the hat is a winner... look forward to them changing with the stages of the book and the seasons. ;-)
