
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

It Started With a Kiss week 7: writing retreats, book covers and more...

All this year, I'm keeping a video diary of everything that goes into writing my third novel, It Started With a Kiss, due to be published on 3rd November. This week, I've finally made it out of the living room! So, from the beautiful Cornish fishing village of Polperro, I'm answering your questions on book covers, manuscripts, writing sacrifices and schedules.

I was fortunate enough to be asked by my very lovely friend, fab author and now RNA Romantic Comedy award nominee, Ruth Saberton to be a guest author at her Writing Weekend in stunning Polperro, so I took my trusty Flip video camera and headed down to Cornwall. It was wonderful to meet writers on different stages of their literary journeys - from an unpublished writer preparing her manuscript for agent submissions, to a very talented author who has just signed a huge publishing deal and needed reassurance before she embarks on the adventure of a lifetime!

This week, I answer your questions on who designs my book covers (and let you know about plans for the cover of It Started With a Kiss), how to prepare a manuscript for submitting to publishers and agents, what sacrifices you have to make as a writer and what my writing schedule is like. Thanks so much for all your questions - please keep them coming!

Oh, and in case you didn't notice the subtle plug above, I now have a publishing date for It Started With a Kiss! It's November 3rd this year, which suddenly seems scarily close... This is the time where it starts to appear on Amazon and Waterstones sites (even though it's still being edited!) and they put up an awful 'days to publication' counter that eventually Bob will ban me from looking at because I start to get a little obsessed!

In addition to this week's vlog, I also couldn't resist putting together a little video of my weekend in Polperro, including an interview with Ruth! I can't recommend her writing holidays enough - whether you're a published author looking for space and inspiration for your new book, a new writer just starting out, or an aspiring author preparing a manuscript for submission to agents, Ruth's writing courses and retreats are perfect.


p.s. The freeze frame on this week's vlog I've lovingly termed 'Talk to the Hand'... ;o)

Week 7 vlog

Polperro Mini-Vid!


  1. Brilliant vlog! Cornwall looked absolutely stunning!

  2. Thanks Dot! It was amazing down there - Bob and I are really tempted to up sticks and move to Cornwall :o) xx

  3. Thanks for answering my question - can't wait to see the next cover! So exciting!

  4. Darn... just wrote my comment and tried to publish it and something happened so will try and re-write it.

    Polperro is gorgeous, I truly want to move there and I can see why it's a place to go to get away from it all!

    Thank you for answering my question! I know it's strange but whenever I read of the guidelines for submitting a manuscript it's mind-boggling so I can definitely understand it a bit more. I'm looking forward to seeing a proper one!

    This week's question came to me when you answered the question about your writing schedule. Have you ever experienced writer's block? And if that were to happen, do publishers have contingencies in place to help? (For example (HYPOTHETICALLY) if you suddenly got writer's block now and it didn't come back until May, what would happen to It Started With A Kiss since it would be due out in November?) Are publishers understanding when it comes to things like that? I'm now going to knock on a lot of wood just so I don't jinx you!

    I think I've recreated my comment. It's not as good as it was, but it'll do because the other comment got lost in the ether!

  5. What a fabulous place - I love listening to the seagulls in the background!

    I would like to ask ... how have you changed as a writer (and an editor!) between starting out and now?


  6. Hi!
    Would really like to know how you started writing. Was it a case of simply having an idea and writing or did you follow a particular course? Cornmall looked lovely and sounds like you had a fab. time.

  7. Hi there, Miranda.

    I've got to say. I read 'Fairy tale of New York', and I loved it. It was beautiful, magical, and perfect. You are an amazing author. And, now that I have found your blog, I would like to thank you personally for it.

    Anyway, I wanted to ask you a favor...

    I want to be a writer. I have a manuscript and everything, and I am trying so hard. Don't worry, I am not going to be one of those people asking you to publish them, or anything!

    But, I would like to know if you would check out my blog? Or follow it? It would make my day to know an actually writer likes the way I write. Even a simple comment would make me smile for a week.
    My link:

    I am just a fourteen year old girl with an unhealthy passion for writing. I would love to keep in contact with you, you seem like such an interesting person! I would like to ask you loads of questions.

    I know this was long, forgive me. If you would like to know, my email address is:

    It would be wonderful to hear from you. Or, if you would, please look at my blog. It would make my week.

    I'll stop rambling now.

    Lots of love, and best wishes for this new, upcoming novel and journey.


  8. Aaaah - lovely cornwall! I really want to go on holiday now! Thank you for answering my question - I am the same, I write 'whenever' the mood strikes me, but I think I also need a bit more structure because when I get out of the habit of writing, it can be weeks before anything gets done again! x
