
Monday, February 21, 2011

It Started With a Kiss week 5: Pressure, expectations and dates from hell...

All this year, I'm keeping a video diary of everything that goes into writing my third novel, It Started With a Kiss, due to be published in November. This week, I'm answering your questions, including dealing with the pressure of a six-book deal, my worst ever date story, how much editing goes into a first draft and whether I'm a planner or a spontaneous writer. Oh, and a rather fantastic hat voted for by my twitter followers!

Thanks so much for your fantastic questions - keep them coming!

Also, I now have an official publish date for It Started With a Kiss (which is now, worryingly, already up for preorder at -how mad is that?!) It's going to be published on THURSDAY 3rd NOVEMBER!! Scary stuff!

So sit back, relax and enjoy!

p.s. The YouTube designated freeze-frame pose this week is entitled, 'Fagin in a Panama'...


  1. I love how detailed your answers were and I look forward to hearing about your worse dating experiences and reading them in books!

    I feel special to have been apart of your vlog!

  2. Thanks Miranda, it's reassuring to hear that after you submit your first draft you still have a chance to tweak it. I too have an inner editor, but unfortunately she's rather bossy and not at all encouraging and I tend to have to bind and gag her in order to find the confidence to keep writing!

  3. Great video again and loved the hat! I have another little question, how much input do you have as to how your book covers look?

  4. Hello Miranda - really loving the diaries! I have a question for you. Can you give us a hint about what your next books are going to be about or are they a closely-guarded secret? x

  5. Hey, I don't know if you remember me, but I'm Harper Athey from Authonomy :D

    I have to say, your video blogs are becoming a weekly habit for me :D Addicting! Keep up the good work and I'm so glad to hear that your works are being recognized for the treasures that they are :D

  6. Another great vlog, Miranda, thank you so much!

    Now I have a suggestion, I don't know how many times you go to London to visit the big bosses at AVON, but it would be fab if we could maybe meet your 'team' of people during one visit if they allow it? I would adore that, it has to be said.

    My question for you this week is about book covers and titles. Firstly, did you have any input at all in your covers or was it left entirely to those at AVON? (I'd like to state here and now that It Started With A Kiss' cover better match the first two!!) Ahem, carrying on, Fairytale was originally called Coffee At Kowalski's, why the name change and who came up with all three of your titles?

    I really think I might have to start putting about 50 questions per vlog because I have so many and it's wonderful to get such an insight into the world of publishing! Obviously the normal reader doesn't get to see what goes into a novel and to get a sneak peek is quite brilliant.

    Thank you so much for doing this!

  7. Hi Miranda!
    Absolutely love your books & your vlogs are a weekly must - always puts a smile on my face, so thanks for that!
    My question for you is this... If the opportunity for your books to be made in to TV dramas or films arose, would you go for it or decline? And why either way?
    Thank you!

  8. O wow congratulations! It must be terribly exciting!

  9. Hi Miranda,
    I love your books & your Vlogs always manage to make me smile so thank for that!
    My question is, how open would you be to the idea of having any of your books turned into a film or TV series? As the editors have a fair bit of say in publishing your book, I can only imagine the cotrol execs would have etc. If you would do it, is there anything you'd change in any of your published books?
