
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Say it with Muppets!

Here's something to warm the cockles of your heart on this wintry December day...

American photographer, Sid Ceaser, proposed to his long-term girlfriend Sara Prindiville last week by arranging to have the following homemade trailer shown in his local cinema. A lifelong Muppets fan, he created two lookalike characters and filmed the story of their love... Sara had no idea it was going to happen - or that thirty of her friends and family were sat behind her in the audience! Here's what she saw on the big screen:

You can read all about the making of the film - and what happened when Sara and Sid watched it - here

Now, admit it: did you manage to watch the proposal trailer without crying?!

For more true love stories, head over to my research blog, It Had To Be You. You can even share your own stories of how you met the love of your life there!


  1. That was adorable! What an amazing's so sincere. Thanks for posting this, it made my day! :)

  2. How sweet!

    I hadn't seen that before--thanks for sharing!

  3. So romantic!
    How will he top that for the wedding?

