Yes, I can now finally reveal the most amazing news so far... I made the shortlist of the RNA's Romantic Novel of The Year Award 2010!!!I travelled down to London this week for the
official unveiling of the shortlist authors - a completely surreal experience but great fun! I could hardly believe that I had been chosen to rub shoulders with the brilliant calibre of writers on the shortlist... All were lovely and it was a great morning. Looking forward to the Pure Passion Awards lunch on 16th March, now!
(Oh and apologies for the photo - not quite sure why I'm the only person pulling an odd face and looking like a half-floral
mammoth... ah well, I have a great face for books!!! Another - slightly less scary - pic
Being shortlisted for this award means the world to me because the Romantic Novelists' Association is such a wonderful organisation and true champion of romantic fiction. To be recognised by them is phenomenal - something I couldn't even have dreamed could be possible. I've followed the Romantic Novel of the Year award for the past few years because it stands for the very best in romantic fiction writing - so to see
Fairytale of New York amongst the nominees is beyond fantastic.
(I make no apologies for gushing, by the way. I'm
ridiculously excited!!)
So... in other news,
Welcome to My World is now written! (woo-hoo!) I've just started structural edits and I have to say, I'm incredibly pleased with how it's going already. More on this, soon!
Fairytale of New York has, to date, sold 99,211 copies - how crazy is that?! Thank you
so much to everyone who has so kindly bought my book. To think that in only three months (since publication) my novel has gone from my little romantic story to Sunday Times Top 10 Bestseller and now RNA Romantic Novel of the Year shortlisted book is totally nuts!!! It just goes to prove that the dream
is possible - so if you're dreaming of one day seeing
your novel being sold in bookshops, keep believing!
*takes deep breath, attempts to calm down. FAILS!*So I have the posh frock sorted for the awards lunch... All I need now are the shoes and a rather large piece of string to tether me to something immovable, seeing as I appear to be floating permanently in the clouds at the moment! :o)